The Brand Theory Blog

Website Redesign Services: How to Choose the Best Platform & Partner

Written by Carter Edsall | Oct 4, 2023 5:30:00 PM

It’s your digital calling card, your 24/7 sales assistant, and your online credibility and authority builder. As customers increasingly do their research and spend their free time online, a well-designed website is indispensable for any type of modern business. But just like any other marketing tool, it can become outdated. That’s when it’s time to consider website redesign services. 


When your business grows, your target market shifts or your messaging evolves, updating your website to reflect and accommodate these changes is paramount. After all, for most people, your website will be their very first impression of your business. Website redesign services can help you assess what (if anything) you can keep from your existing website, help you build better CTAs and landing pages to keep visitors moving through the sales funnel, and help you pick the best platform to deliver more comprehensive reports and analytics. 


In this article, we’ll walk you through what to consider when choosing a website redesign service and help you consider which website platforms, or Content Management Systems (CMS), will help you reach your goals and grow your business.




Why Redesign a Website?


Website redesign can be a big undertaking. So how do you know it’s time to redesign your website? One or several of these factors are often at play:


  • Your business has grown
  • Your audience has expanded or evolved
  • The information, images, and/or content on your current website feel outdated
  • You need more dynamic metrics reporting or measurement tools
  • Your business has introduced new products 
  • Your branding has been updated or changed
  • You are shifting their business focus from one category of products to another
  • You are introducing e-commerce


Website Redesign Services – How to Choose the Perfect Partner 


When it comes to finding and selecting a capable website design services partner, it’s important to first consider what your goals and objectives are for the website redesign. Do you need a much bigger, more robust site that will drive online conversions through e-commerce? Or are you looking for more comprehensive ways to analyze your website traffic and make sure you are making data-driven marketing decisions on other platforms like paid search and social? Or perhaps your website is just outdated and no longer reflective of your audience or your brand aesthetic. Whatever the cause, knowing what you want to accomplish with a website redesign will help determine what to look for in a partner.


Once you’re clear on your objectives, it’s always wise to seek out recommendations from others in your industry or to review competitors' websites you admire and see if you can determine the person or agency behind them. Ideally, a website redesign partner understands your industry, has experience helping other brands reach similar goals, and has a strong marketing background. Don’t be afraid to inquire about a candidate’s experience with specific objectives or to ask for recommendations. 


New website, new platform?


Taking on a website redesign also opens up the opportunity to revisit your choice of Content Management System, or CMS. Popular platforms include WordPress, Shopify, Magento, Wix, Squarespace, HubSpot, and Drupal, just to name a few. Some platforms, like Magento and Shopify, are specifically designed for e-commerce, while others, like Drupal, are more tailored to enterprise-level businesses. 


Depending on your needs and goals for the immediate and near future, shifting your platform may set you up to optimize your website as your business evolves and hits growth milestones. If you’re a retailer with a brick-and-mortar that isn’t quite ready for online sales but plans to be within a year or two, adopting an e-commerce-friendly platform now might save you another website overhaul in the future. Or if you’ve been operating with a basic single-page brochure website and are looking to leverage your website as a comprehensive inbound and content marketing tool, switching to a platform that offers more robust customization, analytics, and an integrated CRM (Customer Relationship Management software), might be worthwhile. 


A good website redesign services partner can help you navigate all these options and provide recommendations as to the best platforms, plug-ins, and add-ons that might benefit your business today and in the future. Having a platform that allows you room to grow and provides powerful marketing tools and integrations helps you save time and make the most out of your website redesign investment.


Without question, a business's website is one of its most valuable and powerful tools. From marketing to sales and customer service, your website is often the very first experience a prospect has with your brand. But keeping your website up to date with current content, photos, and products is only half the battle. 


Websites must also help bring customers into the funnel (or to your physical location) by being optimized for search, integrated with social channels, and designed to capture and keep customer attention. Website redesign services exist to help you maximize the value of each component, but choosing the right partner is critical. A website redesign is often a substantial investment, it's worth taking the time to really consider what you want your website to do for your business and then choose the right partner and platform to help you get there.


At Brand Theory, we put websites at the core of your business’ growth strategy. We understand that your website needs to tell the world about your products and services, but it also needs to work around the clock to attract new visitors and convert them. While any website design agency can make your site prettier, our ultimate goal is to make it smarter. Discover how to transform your website into a customer acquisition machine by booking a no-pressure introduction to Brand Theory today.