The Brand Theory Blog

How Much Does a Website Redesign Cost?

Written by Carter Edsall | Oct 18, 2023 3:00:00 PM

Does your website need a facelift? 


If it’s been more than a few years since you launched your site and you haven’t been (gasp!) making consistent improvements to it then the answer is likely yes. In fact, sometimes the problem is deeper than looks alone and your business has completely outgrown both the site and the platform… Whether you need a content update or a complete overhaul, you’re probably wondering, “How much does a website redesign cost?” And, “Can any elements of my existing website be salvaged?


Finding the right website design partner can help strategize the best approach to reimagining your site and help you determine what can be repurposed, what needs to be updated, and what is best left on the cutting floor. As for cost, we’ve got you covered. Below we’ll explore some of the factors that impact cost as well as the key partners involved in website redesign to help take the guesswork out of creating a budget.




Factors that Impact Website Redesign Cost


Size & Scope

The first and potentially most obvious factor of website redesign cost is the size and scope of the new site. Websites are often measured in the number of pages, with smaller websites falling in the 10-20 page realm while large, e-commerce sites with thousands of products often have thousands of pages. Next, there is the scope of the redesign. Simply adding pages to an existing site or platform is one thing, but if the fundamental look and feel of the site needs to change due to a rebrand or the site isn’t user-friendly, more extensive design work will be required, which of course translates into a greater investment of time and money. 


CMS Platform

Another factor that impacts your website redesign cost is whether or not you are shifting to a new CMS platform. Migrating existing content between two platforms takes time and often requires troubleshooting, particularly if you have hundreds of product pages or blog posts that need to be carried over. Another consideration is the existing site’s level of optimization – if blog posts have SEO already dialed in, there will be less tedious tidying up to do when the posts are carried over, but if the content needs updating or optimization, this can also increase the budget.  


New Content

New content also plays a role in the cost of a website redesign. If you need tons of new photography, videography, and written content for lead magnets and blog posts (or simply written content for an expanded number of new pages), each of these can significantly add to the overall cost of a website redesign. Plus, if you are looking to really leverage your website as a conversion tool and not just a prettier version of what you had before, you’ll need to invest resources into fine-tuning messaging, developing lead magnets, and leveraging tools to capture customer information.


Common Website Redesign Costs


With a firm grasp of what you need to make the most of your website redesign, it’s time to consider the key partners in bringing the new site to life.


Unless you have a full-fledged web design and development team in-house, you’ll be looking for an outside partner to provide both strategy and design services. Modern websites should prioritize user experience and leverage growth marketing principles to ensure they are driving growth 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Choosing a great partner ensures you’ll maximize your investment and reap the benefits of a more strategically designed website that’s primed for short and long-term growth. 


Website designers range from solopreneurs who offer graphics and wireframes to comprehensive agencies who can help with strategy, design, development, content marketing, photography, videography, and SEO. If your website designer doesn’t offer a full suite of services, you’ll need to designate some of your budget to have these assets created elsewhere. 


Finally, if redesigning your website also means adopting a new CMS, or content management system, there will likely be fees associated with adopting the new platform and potentially for purchasing or subscribing to the necessary plug-ins and software add-ons that you need to make the site run optimally, securely and effectively. 


Needing an updated website is often a good sign—your business is growing and changing! Still, contemplating the cost of a website redesign can be daunting. The amount of work and time (and money!) can feel intimidating to busy entrepreneurs or even to marketing managers who already have a lot on their plates.


At Brand Theory, we understand that a website is one of a company’s most impactful and important investments. Keeping your website fully functional, highly optimized, and current is crucial to providing a great user experience and attracting new customers. That’s why we take a strategic, step-by-step approach to website redesign that’s focused on delivering sustained growth over time by moving visitors into and through the marketing and sales funnel. Discover how we can help elevate your online presence and make your website work even harder for you by scheduling a no-pressure introduction to Brand Theory today.