Content Marketing

Do You (REALLY) Need a B2B Social Media Agency?

Carter Edsall
by Carter Edsall / September 24, 2024

Carter Edsall is the founder of Brand Theory, a growth agency that helps businesses eliminate the guesswork from online marketing. Through a career spanning nearly 3 decades, he’s launched and marketed projects for household names like Nissan, Disney and Four Seasons — but remains passionate about helping small businesses scale profitably and predictably. He lives for food, wine, the outdoors and spending time with his family in beautiful Marin County, CA.

Picture this: You're a B2B founder, scrolling through your LinkedIn feed, when suddenly you're bombarded with ads from social media agencies promising to skyrocket your engagement and fill your pipeline with leads. 


Sounds tempting, right?  But before you whip out that company credit card, let's pump the brakes for a second. Do you really need a B2B social media agency, or is there a better way to amplify your brand's voice? 


In this article, we'll explore the potential pitfalls of outsourcing your B2B social media strategy, and uncover a more holistic approach designed to elevate your marketing game because no busy founder or entrepreneur has money or time to waste on pie-in-the-sky promises.





The Allure of B2B Social Media Agencies

As a B2B founder or CEO, you've likely encountered the siren call of social media agencies. These companies promise to boost your online presence, generate leads, and save time. The appeal is undeniable: expert handling of your social media channels, freeing you up to focus on running your business. Agencies tout their industry connections, content creation skills, and ability to stay on top of ever-changing platform algorithms. For instance, they might promise to increase your LinkedIn engagement by 200% or generate 50 qualified leads per month through targeted X campaigns. It's an attractive proposition, especially when you're juggling multiple priorities and may not have in-house social media expertise.


The Hidden Costs of Outsourcing Your B2B Social Media Strategy

Before signing on the dotted line, consider the true cost of outsourcing. Beyond the monthly retainer, there's the time investment required to onboard an agency and manage the relationship. You'll need to educate them about your products, services, and industry nuances. Regular check-ins and approvals can eat into your schedule. For example, you might find yourself spending hours each week reviewing content calendars or explaining complex product features to ensure accurate representation. 


More critically, outsourcing your social media voice risks diluting your brand message. No matter how skilled, an external team may struggle to capture the unique essence of your company culture and values. This can lead to a disconnect between your social media presence and the real-world experience customers have with your brand.


When B2B Social Media Agencies Miss the Mark: Common Pitfalls

Even well-intentioned agencies can fall short. Without deep industry knowledge, they may produce content that fails to resonate with your target audience. For instance, a general marketing agency might not understand the nuances of your specialized manufacturing process or the pain points of your enterprise software clients. 


Many agencies rely on templated approaches, applying the same tactics for every client. This one-size-fits-all strategy rarely yields optimal results in the specialized world of B2B. You might end up with social media content that looks professional but lacks the technical depth or industry insights that your audience craves. Moreover, an agency's voice may not align with your company's, leading to inconsistent messaging that confuses your audience and undermines brand trust.


The Risks of Siloed Marketing Efforts

Handing off social media to an external agency can create a disconnect in your marketing efforts. Your social channels may end up operating in isolation from other marketing initiatives, missing opportunities for integrated campaigns. For example, your agency might be pushing a product feature on LinkedIn while your email marketing team is focusing on a different aspect entirely. This siloed approach makes it challenging to measure the true ROI of your social media efforts within the broader context of your marketing strategy. It can also lead to missed opportunities, such as failing to leverage social media to amplify the reach of your latest white paper or webinar.


The Power of In-House Knowledge

Your team possesses a wealth of industry expertise and intimate knowledge of your products or services. Leveraging this in-house knowledge allows for the creation of authentic, valuable content that truly speaks to your audience's needs. An internal social media team can respond rapidly to market changes or customer inquiries, maintaining agility in your communications. For instance, if a new industry regulation is announced, your in-house team can quickly share insights and implications across your social channels, positioning your company as a thought leader. Moreover, involving your team in social media efforts fosters a company-wide understanding of marketing principles and customer engagement, potentially leading to innovative ideas from unexpected sources within your organization.


Building a Holistic Marketing Strategy

Instead of isolating social media, consider integrating it into a comprehensive marketing approach. Start by clearly defining your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) and identifying your key competitive advantages. Use these insights to craft consistent, customer-centric messaging that resonates across all channels, not just social media. For example, if your UVP is centered around exceptional customer service, ensure this theme is woven through your social media content, website copy, email campaigns, and sales presentations. This cohesive approach reinforces your brand message and creates a more powerful impact on your audience.


Integrating Social Media into Your Overall Marketing Mix

Align your social media efforts with broader business goals. Use these platforms not just for promotion, but also for market research and customer service enhancement. Social listening tools can provide valuable insights into customer needs and industry trends, informing your overall strategy. For instance, you might discover through LinkedIn discussions that your customers are struggling with a particular challenge, which could inspire a new product feature or service offering. By integrating social media deeply into your marketing mix, you create a feedback loop that continually informs and improves your overall business strategy.


Tools and Resources for DIY Social Media Management

Numerous tools exist to help you manage your social media in-house. Content planning and scheduling platforms like Planable, Hootsuite or Buffer can streamline your posting process. Analytics tools provide insights into your performance, while social listening software helps you stay attuned to your market. With these resources, you can maintain control of your social presence without overwhelming your team. For example, you could use a tool like Canva to create professional-looking graphics, Sprout Social for scheduling and analytics, and Mention for social listening. By leveraging these tools, even a small in-house team can manage a robust and effective B2B social media presence.


When to Consider Agency Partnership

There are instances where partnering with a B2B social media agency makes sense. During specific campaign launches or team transitions, external support can be valuable. For example, if you're entering a new market or launching a groundbreaking product, an agency with specialized expertise could provide crucial support. However, rather than fully outsourcing, consider agencies that offer holistic marketing strategy resources, helping you develop internal capabilities for long-term success. Look for partners who are willing to work alongside your team, transferring knowledge and skills, rather than simply taking over your social media channels.


Making the Right Choice for Your Business

Ultimately, the decision to hire a B2B social media agency depends on your specific situation. Assess your current capabilities and resources honestly. Set clear objectives for your social media presence and evaluate how different approaches might impact your brand in the long run. Consider running a pilot project, managing one channel in-house while outsourcing another, to compare results. Remember, social media is just one piece of your overall marketing puzzle – it should integrate seamlessly with your broader strategy. The goal is to create a social media presence that authentically represents your brand, engages your audience, and drives real business results.


We've peeled back the curtain on the potential pitfalls of outsourcing your social strategy - from siloed marketing efforts to the risks of misaligned messaging. More importantly, we've explored how taking ownership of your social media can lead to more authentic connections, better integration with your overall marketing strategy, and a truly distinctive brand voice that resonates with your audience.


The truth is, nobody knows your business quite like you do. By developing a holistic marketing approach that leverages your team's expertise and aligns with your core values, you're not just saving on agency fees - you're investing in the long-term success of your brand.


Ready to take the reins of your B2B marketing strategy but not sure where to start?


We've got you covered. Grab Brand Theory's free B2B Marketing Playbook for a step-by-step guide to creating a comprehensive marketing strategy that truly reflects your brand's unique value and your customer’s unique needs. Get your playbook today and start crafting a social strategy that's as unique and powerful as your business.


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