The Brand Theory Blog

B2B Blog Strategy: How to Drive Organic Traffic with SEO

Written by Tanya Triber | Feb 17, 2020 4:30:00 PM

Did you know that 70% of B2B buyers begin their journey by searching Google? And that marketers who blog generate 67% more leads?


These statistics underscore the crucial role of an effective B2B blog strategy in guiding potential clients through their buying journey. By harnessing the power of SEO, brands can significantly increase organic website traffic, putting themselves in front of potential customers by ranking for those early-stage searches. Understanding and executing a finely tuned B2B blog strategy becomes not just advisable, but essential for staying competitive and visible in a space where content is king.


What is a B2B Blogging Strategy?


A B2B blogging strategy is a meticulously curated framework tailored to engage other businesses through compelling, valuable content. This methodology is not mere content creation, but a sophisticated aspect of your content marketing designed to resonate with your target buyers' specific needs, challenges, and opportunities. It aligns with your overall marketing objectives, leveraging insightful, SEO-optimized articles that enhance your visibility on search engines while establishing your brand as a leading authority in your industry. Through consistency, relevance, and engagement, a well-executed B2B blogging strategy transforms your blog from a simple information platform to a powerful, lead-generating asset, driving organic traffic and nurturing potential clients through their decision-making process.



Business blogging reports confirm that those actively producing blog content generate more leads. According to Fundera, 76% of B2B marketers generate leads through blogging, while those who don’t blog are missing out on 67% more leads.


The Importance of SEO in Your B2B Blog Strategy


Although SEO isn’t the only approach to creating an effective B2B blog strategy, an awareness of search intent and optimization are crucial to making your website discoverable and helping to establish website authority with Google. The most well-written and exhaustively researched article cannot help your audience or move the needle for your brand if it cannot be found online. SEO ensures that the hard work of creating valuable content isn’t wasted and generates a steady source of organic traffic over time. 


Speaking of valuable content… Getting readers to your site is step one. What keeps them there is the quality, relevance, and helpfulness of your content. Although algorithm updates and AI continue to shift the sands beneath marketers’ feet, Google’s priority on experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness remains the bedrock of quality content. 


The good news is— what helps you rank better on SERPs also elevates the value of your content in the minds of your ideal customers. Remember, Google wants to deliver quality to its customers too. They want results to match user intent, and to deliver accurate answers to questions from trustworthy sources. So the more brands can consider the needs, problems, desires, and challenges of their audiences, the better they will rank and the more traffic they will earn.


5 Steps to Crafting a SEO-Driven Blog Strategy


Create Content Pillars 

What’s a content pillar? Content pillars are clusters of content centered around a main topic relevant to your industry or product, or of interest to your target audience. It’s a method of structuring and organizing content that also boosts SEO. You want to identify and develop content pillars that resonate with and bring value to your target audience and support your overall strategy. 


For example, if you sell proprietary software to restaurants, you may have content pillars on hospitality, menu development, or staff management. These broad topics become the umbrella under which additional, more specific, bite-sized topics fall. The pillar structure allows you to link between related articles easily and helps establish your authority on each topic with both Google and your audience. It also paves the way for future blog article topics.


Perform Keyword Research

With these content pillars as topical guides, use keyword research tools like SemRush or Ubersuggest to find low-competition, high-volume keywords, and phrases. Consider your target audience's questions–what terms and language do they use? What problems are they trying to solve? What would someone who has never heard of your brand be searching for—that you can help them with? 


Consider long-tail keywords (3+ words together) and balance Top of Funnel (TOFU) and Bottom of Funnel (BOFU) topics to capture searchers at every stage of the buyer journey. Use these keywords to guide article topics, and develop headlines under the umbrella of your content pillars. When writing sprinkle keywords naturally throughout the copy, and use them in headers, alt-tags, meta-descriptions, and other key locations to signal to Google what the article is about.


Structure Your B2B Blog Posts for Maximum Impact

When constructing your B2B blog articles, use H2s and H3s headers not only to organize your content into digestible sections but also to guide search engines through the hierarchy of your content, improving its ability to rank. Incorporating headers allows you to naturally weave in your target keywords, making your posts more discoverable to your intended audience. Furthermore, the strategic use of white space enhances the skimmability of your articles, fostering a better reading experience that can lead to increased time spent on your site—a factor that search engines consider when determining rankings.


In addition to structure, the visual appeal and readability of your posts are paramount. Large blocks of text can deter readers, reducing engagement and negatively impacting your SEO performance. To combat this, break up your text with relevant images, graphics, or even short videos. These elements not only add visual interest but can also provide additional SEO benefits through alt text and file names containing target keywords. Finally, utilizing bullet points and numbered lists not only improves readability but also makes your content more accessible. Lists are an excellent way to highlight key points or steps in a process, ensuring readers can easily grasp the most important information at a glance.


Boost Your B2B Blog Strategy with Internal Linking and On-Page SEO

Internal linking is another SEO best practice that does double duty by enhancing the user experience while significantly boosting your site's SEO performance. This sophisticated approach keeps visitors engaged, encouraging them to explore related content and prolong their stay on your platform. Each internal link acts as a signal to search engines, indicating the relevance and depth of your site's content. More importantly, it distributes page authority across your site, bolstering the ranking potential of individual pages. In B2B marketing, where decision-making processes are intricate and information-dependent, the ability to seamlessly guide your audience through your content can be the difference between a casual visitor and a loyal client.


On-page SEO, meanwhile, is the bedrock of a successful B2B blog strategy. Optimizing elements like meta descriptions, alt-tags, and headers does more than improve your blog's visibility; it defines the clarity and appeal of your content to both search engines and human readers. Properly executed, on-page SEO ensures that your blog posts are not only found but also compelling enough to click through. Meta descriptions act as your content's billboard, drawing in potential readers with a clear, enticing summary of what to expect. Alt-tags for images enhance accessibility and provide another avenue for keyword integration, further elevating your SEO performance. By prioritizing these elements, you signal to your audience and search engines alike that your brand is authoritative, relevant, and fully attuned to the needs of your B2B clients. 



Create a B2B Blog Content Workflow

Now that you have pillars and keyword-driven content ideas, it’s time to create a workflow to ensure your B2B blog strategy remains consistent and quality-driven. Depending on the size of your team and your resources, the strategy may be implemented by one person or several, so it’s crucial to assign tasks and create deadlines for each step below:


For each content ‘batch:’

  • Perform keyword research 
  • Develop article content ideas 
  • Create a monthly or quarterly content calendar with publishing dates and deadlines

For each article: 

  • Write the first draft
  • Optimize for search - leveraging keywords, page structure, and internal links
  • Add photos, videos, and graphics with captions
  • Insert CTAs or lead magnets
  • Edit/revise
  • Publish
  • Promote
  • Measure
  • Refine and refresh 


Patience and Persistence: The Long Game of B2B Blog Strategy

SEO is not an overnight victory but a strategic marathon that rewards those who are patient and persistent. In B2B marketing, where the sales cycles are longer and the decision-making process is more complex, you can expect a timeline of 6-9 months of consistent content posting before you experience steady gains in web traffic and engagement. This timeframe allows for the accumulation and amplification of SEO efforts, gradually elevating your blog's visibility and authority in search engine rankings.


Consistency in your publishing schedule is another non-negotiable aspect of a successful B2B blog strategy. Aiming to publish new, high-quality content at least once or twice a week signals to search engines that your website is a reliable source of fresh information. This not only helps in keeping your audience engaged but also in establishing your brand's credibility and expertise in your industry. The frequency of your posts—coupled with their relevance and value to your target audience—creates a powerful synergy that propels your SEO performance forward.


Now that you’re consistently creating content, don’t neglect to promote it. By promoting your blog via social media channels and email newsletters—or through a dedicated blog subscription—you're not just waiting for your audience to find you. You're actively reaching out, reminding them of your thought leadership, and inviting them back to your digital doorstep. 


Periodically refreshing existing articles to update information, links, and keywords also plays a pivotal role in maintaining and enhancing your blog's SEO health. This ongoing optimization ensures that your content remains accurate, relevant, and competitive within the dynamic landscape of search engine algorithms.


Ready to Elevate your B2B Blog Strategy?

Incorporating SEO throughout your B2B blog strategy — from detailed keyword research and content pillar development to meticulous post structuring and savvy internal linking — not only pleases search algorithms but profoundly enhances user experience. By consistently applying these principles, businesses can achieve sustained growth and visibility in the digital sphere, capturing the attention of potential clients at every stage of their buying process.


At Brand Theory we help B2Bs grow profitably and predictably with a comprehensive growth marketing framework that includes website design, content creation and distribution, paid search, and account-based marketing. This B2B blog strategy is the same playbook we follow for our clients, week after week, quarter after quarter, helping them build and sustain exponentially more organic traffic to their websites, boosting not only brand awareness but also conversions. Ready to supercharge your B2B blog strategy and start seeing more organic traffic? Book a no obligation introduction to Brand Theory today.