Brand Marketing

8 B2B Brand Strategy Secrets of Industry Disruptors

Carter Edsall
by Carter Edsall / September 27, 2024

Carter Edsall is the founder of Brand Theory, a growth agency that helps businesses eliminate the guesswork from online marketing. Through a career spanning nearly 3 decades, he’s launched and marketed projects for household names like Nissan, Disney and Four Seasons — but remains passionate about helping small businesses scale profitably and predictably. He lives for food, wine, the outdoors and spending time with his family in beautiful Marin County, CA.

Ever wonder how some B2B brands seem to come out of nowhere and suddenly dominate their industry? 


You're not alone. As a founder or CEO, you've likely lost sleep pondering how to give your company that  same disruptive edge. But what if I told you there's a playbook these game-changers all seem to follow? 


In this article, we'll crack open the vault on B2B brand strategy secrets that have propelled unknowns to industry stardom. From solving problems customers didn't know they had to creating a content marketing strategy that nurtures prospects over time, we'll explore the tactics that separate the disruptors from the disrupted. 


Ready to shake things up? Let's dive in.





The B2B Brand Strategy Secret Sauce


1. Uncover and Solve Hidden Problems


Ever noticed how the most successful B2B brands seem to have a sixth sense for customer needs? That's no accident. They've mastered the art of uncovering and solving hidden problems.


Take Slack. Did knowledge workers know they needed a faster and more collaborative messaging tool before Slack came along? Probably not. But by identifying this unmet need, Slack forever changed workplace messaging and built a B2B brand strategy that resonated with employees and CEOs.


How can you uncover hidden problems in your industry? Start by asking the right questions:


  • What frustrations do your customers face that they've learned to tolerate?
  • What inefficiencies exist in your industry that everyone accepts as "just the way things are"?
  • What emerging trends or technologies could reshape your customers' needs?

Slack didn't just build a better messaging app; they revolutionized workplace communication. By focusing on reducing email overload and improving team collaboration, Slack solved a problem many businesses didn't even realize they had.


2. Streamline the Customer Journey


Remember when setting up cloud infrastructure took months of planning and negotiation? Amazon Web Services (AWS) changed all that. They transformed a lengthy, complex process into something you could do with a few clicks.


Understanding your customer's path to purchase is crucial. Where are the roadblocks? The confusing turns? The unnecessary detours? Your B2B brand strategy should focus on eliminating these friction points.


Tools like customer journey mapping software, heat maps, and user testing can help identify areas for improvement. But don't overlook the power of simply talking to your customers. What parts of your process frustrate them the most?


3. Champion Customer Success


Here's a radical idea: what if your job didn't end when you made the sale, but when your customer achieved their desired outcome? That's the philosophy behind Salesforce's customer success approach.


Salesforce dedicates up to 25% of their sales spending on customer success teams. Why? Because they understand that customer success drives retention, upsells, and word-of-mouth marketing.


To build a customer success team that drives growth:


  • Define clear, measurable success metrics for your customers
  • Invest in onboarding and training resources
  • Regularly check in with customers to ensure they're achieving their goals

Remember, in B2B, your customers' success is your success.


4. Craft a Memorable Brand Identity


In a sea of corporate blues and grays, HubSpot's orange stands out like a beacon. But their distinctive B2B brand strategy goes beyond color. They've built a vibrant, friendly brand identity that contrasts sharply with the typically dull enterprise software space.


What makes a B2B brand memorable?


  • A unique visual identity (logo, color scheme, typography)
  • A distinct voice and personality
  • Thoughtful brand positioning that helps differentiate from competitors
  • Consistent brand messaging across all touchpoints

The key is to balance professionalism with personality. You want to be taken seriously, but you also want to be remembered.


5. Master Content Marketing


In the crowded cybersecurity market, how did Darktrace cut through the noise? Through thought leadership content that positioned them as innovative experts in AI and cybersecurity.


Creating a content strategy that converts involves:


  • Understanding your audience's pain points and information needs
  • Creating valuable, relevant content that addresses these needs
  • Tailoring your content to the buyer’s journey
  • Distributing this content where your audience is most likely to engage with it

Measuring ROI on B2B content marketing initiatives can be tricky. Look beyond just views and shares to metrics like lead quality, sales cycle length, and customer lifetime value.


6. Embrace Digital-First Sales


ServiceNow built a highly scalable sales model by enabling prospects to trial their software instantly online. This digital-first approach allowed them to efficiently reach and convert a much broader customer base.


Designing a scalable digital sales process means:


  • Creating intuitive self-service options
  • Providing detailed product information and pricing online
  • Using automation and AI marketing tools to qualify leads and personalize outreach


The trick is knowing when to automate and when to add a human touch. High-volume, low-complexity deals can often be fully automated, while larger, more complex deals may require personal attention and a longer sales cycle.


7. Cultivate a Thriving Community


Salesforce's Trailhead isn't just a learning platform; it's a thriving community that drives engagement, loyalty, and advocacy. By fostering connections between customers, Salesforce has created a passionate user base that fuels word-of-mouth growth.


To build your own community:


  • Create spaces (online and offline) for customers to connect
  • Encourage knowledge sharing and peer support
  • Recognize and reward active community members


Remember, a strong community can be your best marketing asset.


8. Measure What Matters


When it comes to B2B brand strategy, not all metrics are created equal. Focus on KPIs that truly indicate success for your business. These might include:


  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Customer Acquisition Cost
  • Time to Value
  • Churn Rate

Use tools like Google Analytics, CRM systems, and customer feedback platforms to track these key growth metrics. But remember, data is only valuable if you act on it. Regularly review your metrics and be prepared to adapt your strategy based on what you learn.


Putting these B2B Brand Strategy Secrets to Work


Remember those sleepless nights wondering how to shake up your industry? Well, now you're armed with the B2B brand strategy secrets that have catapulted unknowns into household names. From Slack’s knack for solving hidden problems to Salesforce's community-building prowess, these industry innovators have shown us that success lies in rethinking every aspect of how we connect with and serve our customers.


Whether it's streamlining your customer journey like AWS, championing customer success à la Salesforce, or crafting a distinct brand identity that turns heads like HubSpot, the path to disruption is clear. It's about solving real problems, creating frictionless experiences, and building passionate communities around your brand.


But knowing the secrets is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you put these B2B brand strategy principles into action. Ready to shake things up in your industry? We've got just the thing to kick-start your journey. Grab Brand Theory’s free B2B marketing playbook. Our step-by-step guide will help you implement these game-changing tactics in your business and eliminate marketing guesswork for good. 




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