The Brand Theory Blog

5 Multichannel Marketing Trends B2B Leaders Can't Ignore

Written by Carter Edsall | Aug 26, 2024 6:52:00 PM


As a B2B leader, you know that marketing has become an intricate web of channels and touchpoints. Gone are the days when a single campaign or ad could carry the weight of your entire strategy. Today's buyers are savvy and informed, and expect a cohesive, personalized experience as they navigate the path to purchase. 


That's why mastering multichannel marketing is no longer optional - it's essential for staying competitive and driving growth. In this post, we'll dive into five must-know multichannel marketing trends reshaping how successful B2B brands connect with their audience. From hyper-personalized content to account-based strategies, these are the approaches you'll want to have on your radar.


Ready to future-proof your marketing and keep pace with today's B2B buyers? 


Let's get started.




What is Multichannel Marketing? 

Multichannel marketing is a strategy that involves engaging with customers through various channels, both direct and indirect, throughout their buying journey.


This approach allows businesses to reach potential customers where they are most active, whether through online platforms like social media and email or offline methods like direct mail and in-person events. The primary goal is to enhance customer experience by allowing them to interact with brands via their preferred channels, ultimately leading to increased conversions and customer loyalty.


The numbers speak for themselves. B2B marketers implementing multichannel strategies report an average increase of 24% in ROI compared to single-channel approaches. Additionally, companies using multichannel marketing experience 2x shorter sales cycles, enabling them to close deals more efficiently. Plus, brands that adopt multichannel marketing can see a 30% increase in customer lifetime value, as customers are more likely to remain loyal when they have multiple avenues for interaction.


This shift towards multichannel approaches is driven by changing consumer behavior and rapid technological advancements. B2B buyers now expect seamless experiences across all touchpoints, making it crucial for marketers to adapt and deliver cohesive messaging across channels.


Multichannel Marketing Trend 1: Personalized Content Experiences


Why Personalization Matters in B2B Marketing

In the B2B world, one size doesn't fit all. Personalized content is the key to building stronger connections with prospects by addressing their specific needs and pain points. By tailoring your messaging, you're not just another vendor – you're a partner who understands their unique challenges.


Consider a software company that segments its email campaigns based on industry verticals. By highlighting features relevant to healthcare providers in one email and focusing on retail-specific benefits in another, they're more likely to resonate with their diverse audience.


Tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Adobe Experience Manager have made personalization more accessible than ever. These platforms allow you to leverage customer data, behavior tracking, and AI-driven analytics to create highly targeted content experiences.


Creating Tailored Content for Different Buyers

To truly excel at personalization, segment your audience based on factors like industry, job role, and buying stage. This allows you to create content that speaks directly to each group's unique concerns and objectives.


For example, when addressing C-suite executives, focus on high-level strategic benefits and ROI. For technical decision-makers, dive into specifications and integration details. By using audience-specific language and addressing unique challenges, you'll demonstrate a deep understanding of your target audience's needs.


Multichannel Marketing Trend 2: Leveraging Omnichannel Engagement 


Multichannel Marketing vs Omnichannel Marketing

While multichannel marketing focuses on using multiple channels, omnichannel engagement takes it a step further by providing a seamless, integrated experience across all customer touchpoints. It's about creating a cohesive journey, whether a prospect interacts with your brand on social media, visits your website, or speaks with a sales representative.


The benefits of this approach are clear. Brands that effectively implement omnichannel strategies can see a 91% higher customer retention rate. Additionally, those with robust omnichannel engagement experience a 9.5% year-over-year increase in annual revenue, compared to 3.4% for those with weaker strategies.


Best Practices for Implementing Omnichannel Strategies

To succeed with omnichannel engagement, consistency is key. Your messaging and branding should be uniform across all channels, creating a sense of familiarity and trust.


Integrate your various marketing channels to create a unified experience. For instance, use retargeting ads to remind prospects of products they viewed on your website, or follow up on webinar attendance with personalized email content.

Look at how Salesforce masterfully executes omnichannel engagement. From their website to their annual Dreamforce conference, every touchpoint reinforces their brand message and guides customers through a cohesive journey.


Multichannel Marketing Trend 3: Account-Based Marketing


Account-based marketing is a highly targeted approach that focuses your marketing efforts on specific high-value accounts. Instead of casting a wide net, ABM allows you to tailor your campaigns to the unique needs and pain points of individual companies or key decision-makers within those organizations. ABM encourages alignment between sales and marketing teams to create a cohesive strategy that enhances customer engagement and drives revenue growth.


This precision targeting leads to better alignment between sales and marketing teams, resulting in more efficient use of resources and higher conversion rates. According to a report by Optimizely, 92% of companies with mature ABM programs report that it drives more ROI than any other marketing tactic, highlighting its effectiveness in maximizing returns on marketing investments. 


Implementing ABM in Your Multichannel Marketing Strategy

To get started with ABM, first identify your high-value accounts using market research and sales data. Look for companies that fit your ideal customer profile and have the potential for significant long-term value.


Once you've identified your target accounts, create personalized marketing campaigns that speak directly to their specific challenges and goals. This might include custom content, personalized website experiences, or even direct mail campaigns.


Consider how Snowflake, the cloud data platform, uses ABM to engage enterprise clients. They create industry-specific use cases, host exclusive executive events, and provide personalized demos tailored to each account's data challenges.

Multichannel Marketing Trend 4: Engaging Prospects with Interactive Content and Tools


Interactive content including quizzes, calculators, configurators, or interactive infographics goes beyond passive consumption, requiring active engagement from the user. This content captivates your audience,  provides immediate value, and can be implemented in your social media, email newsletter, and website.


Benefits of Interactive Content for B2B Marketers

Interactive content boosts engagement, enhances lead generation, and improves customer retention. It allows prospects to actively explore your offerings, leading to better understanding and higher-quality leads.


When creating interactive content, focus on relevance and user experience. A well-designed ROI calculator, for instance, can help prospects quantify the value of your solution while providing you with valuable insights into their needs.


Zendesk's self-service ROI calculator is a prime example of effective interactive content. It allows potential customers to input their specific data and see the potential impact of Zendesk's customer service solutions, assuaging any objections and creating a compelling reason to purchase.


Multichannel Marketing Trend 5: Video Marketing 


Video marketing has become increasingly crucial for B2B brands. With 70% of B2B buyers watching videos throughout their purchase journey, it's a medium you can't afford to ignore. Video excels at explaining complex concepts, showcasing products, and building emotional connections with your audience.


Creating Effective Video Content for Different Stages of the Buyer Journey

Tailor your video content to different stages of the buyer journey. For the awareness stage, create educational webinars or thought leadership interviews. During the consideration phase, focus on product demos and case study videos. For decision-making, customer testimonials and detailed how-to guides can be powerful.


LinkedIn and YouTube are excellent platforms for sharing B2B video content, offering targeting options and analytics to help you reach the right audience.

Take inspiration from IBM's video marketing strategy. They use a mix of explainer videos, customer success stories, and behind-the-scenes content to engage prospects at every stage of the buying process.


Integrating Multichannel Marketing Trends for a Cohesive Strategy


While each of these multichannel marketing trends is powerful, their true potential is unlocked when integrated into a single, cohesive strategy. Think of your marketing efforts as an orchestra – each instrument (or channel) plays a crucial role, but the harmony between them creates a memorable performance.


To align your marketing efforts across channels, start by developing a unified messaging framework. This ensures that whether a prospect encounters your brand on LinkedIn, at a trade show, or through a personalized email, they receive consistent, reinforcing messages. Next, map out your customer journey and identify how each channel can support different stages of the buying process. For example, use social media for awareness, webinars for education, and personalized emails for nurturing leads.


Tools like Salesforce Marketing Cloud, HubSpot, and Marketo can help streamline and automate your multichannel efforts. These platforms allow you to manage campaigns across multiple channels, track customer interactions, and trigger personalized content based on behavior. By centralizing your marketing operations, you can ensure a seamless experience for your prospects while gaining valuable insights into campaign performance.


Measuring Success: KPIs and Metrics for Multichannel Marketing


In the world of multichannel marketing, what gets measured gets managed. To truly gauge the success of your efforts, you need to track key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your business objectives. Essential metrics include engagement rates (such as click-through rates and time on site), conversion rates at different stages of the funnel, and ultimately, customer lifetime value.


When setting goals, be realistic and data-driven. Look at industry benchmarks, but also consider your historical performance. Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) for each channel and the overall strategy. For instance, aim to increase qualified leads from LinkedIn campaigns by 20% over the next quarter, or boost email engagement rates by 15% in the next six months.


Analyzing data is crucial, but don't forget the importance of qualitative feedback. Regularly survey your customers and sales team to understand how your multichannel efforts are perceived and where improvements can be made. Use tools like Google Analytics, your CRM system, and marketing automation platforms to gather and analyze data. Look for patterns and correlations – for example, which combination of touchpoints most often leads to a conversion?


Remember, optimization is an ongoing process. Continuously test different approaches, analyze the results, and refine your strategy. A/B testing can be particularly valuable in multichannel marketing, allowing you to compare the performance of different messages or content types across channels. By staying agile and data-informed, you can continuously improve your multichannel marketing strategy, driving better results and stronger relationships with your B2B customers.



Ready to Get Started with Multichannel Marketing?


By leveraging personalized content, omnichannel engagement, account-based strategies, and more, you will cut through the noise, deliver exceptional experiences, and drive real results. 


But these five multichannel marketing trends are just the tip of the iceberg - to stay ahead of the curve, you'll need a comprehensive, adaptable go-to-market strategy that spans every touchpoint. Ready to take your multichannel marketing to the next level? Download Brand Theory's Growth 2.0 Playbook to unlock our proven framework for orchestrating an integrated, high-impact go-to-market approach. It’s your roadmap to finally taking the guesswork out of marketing and to growing your brand profitably and predictably.