The Brand Theory Blog

12 DIY B2B Marketing Strategies

Written by Tanya Triber | Aug 1, 2024 4:50:44 PM

Your startup is off to the races. You’re funded. You’re growing. You know you need to invest in marketing but bringing on an agency seems like a gamble. After all, according to founder and CxO Stijn Hendrikse, most startups need to budget between $200,000 and $1 million for marketing in their first year, depending on the desired speed and funding status. That’s not small change. And for many B2B startups entrusting an agency with those kinds of resources feels like a risk. 


But what if you could take the reins and drive meaningful results without breaking the bank?


Below, we’ll walk you through 12 potent B2B marketing strategies that can be implemented in-house, empowering you to accelerate growth on your terms. We'll explore tactics that span the entire customer journey, from fine-tuning your ideal customer profile to nurturing long-term relationships through thought leadership.


These actionable insights will help you sharpen your competitive edge, attract high-quality leads, and align your sales and marketing efforts for maximum impact. Buckle up, founders – it's time to unlock the power of DIY B2B marketing.



12 B2B Marketing Strategies You Can Launch in House


Successful B2B marketing begins with a solid foundation. This foundation hinges on understanding your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and Unique Value Proposition (UVP), which together define your competitive advantage. Implementing the right B2B marketing strategies aligned with the buyer journey ensures you attract, engage, and retain the right clients. The following tips can be executed quickly with your internal teams or by leveraging consultants and content creators.


Deepen Customer Knowledge & Fine Tune Your Competitive Advantage


1. Develop a Comprehensive Ideal Customer Profile 

To focus your B2B marketing strategies on the most promising prospects, create a detailed ICP. This profile should include demographic information, company size, industry, pain points, and decision-making processes. Use data from your existing customer base and market research to build an accurate picture of your target audience. By understanding your ICP, you can focus your efforts on the right audience, maximizing your return on investment.


2. Craft a Compelling Strategic Narrative 

Differentiate your offering by developing a strategic narrative that resonates with your target audience. This story should clearly communicate your UVP and competitive advantage, addressing the specific challenges your ICP faces and how your solution solves them.


3. Conduct Client Interviews 

Gain deep insights into customer preferences, buying behaviors, and perceived value by conducting interviews with your existing clients. These conversations can reveal valuable information to refine your B2B marketing strategies and improve your product or service offerings.


Invest in B2B Marketing Strategies that Promote Long-Term Growth


4. Implement Sales Enablement Tools 

Invest in essential sales enablement tools like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools such as Salesforce or HubSpot. These platforms help manage leads, track interactions, and streamline your sales process, making your B2B marketing strategies more efficient and effective.


5. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines 

Improve your organic visibility for relevant industry keywords by optimizing your website for search engines (SEO). This long-term B2B marketing strategy can drive qualified traffic to your site and establish your brand as an authority in your niche.


6. Establish a Social Selling Presence 

Build a robust presence on platforms like LinkedIn, sharing valuable insights and engaging with prospects. This B2B marketing strategy helps build relationships, establish credibility, and generate leads within your target market. Implementing a comprehensive B2B social media marketing strategy on key platforms where your ICP spends time helps build authority and stay top-of-mind with your audience.


7. Implement Targeted Email Marketing 

Nurture leads and provide valuable information to prospects through a targeted email marketing campaign. Segment your audience based on their position in the sales funnel and tailor your content to address their specific needs and interests.


8. Host Virtual Events or Webinars 

Showcase your product or service and engage with potential customers by hosting virtual events or webinars. These interactive sessions can demonstrate your expertise and provide value to attendees while generating qualified leads.


9. Build a Personal Brand 

Consistently share valuable insights and experiences related to your niche to build a strong personal brand. Create and share thought leadership content such as blog posts, articles, or speaking engagements to position yourself as an industry expert. This B2B marketing strategy can help establish trust and credibility with potential clients, making them more likely to choose your solution.


10. Invest in Content Creation 

A robust B2B content marketing strategy includes developing white papers, case studies, blog articles and webinars that address industry-specific challenges. This content can serve as powerful lead magnets and demonstrate a deep understanding of your target audience's needs.



Focus on the Customer Experience


11. Align Marketing and Sales Teams 

These two teams are opposite sides of the same coin, yet too often they are working in silos. The transition from an MQL to an SQL should be seamless. Actively refine your sales process, including lead qualification criteria and follow-up strategies. Ensuring that both teams are on the same page can significantly enhance your conversion rates.


12. Develop a Referral Program 

Incentivize existing clients to introduce you to potential customers. Word-of-mouth referrals are incredibly powerful and can lead to high-quality leads that are more likely to convert. Don’t be afraid to reward existing customers who help you grow!



B2B Marketing Strategies: The Next Steps


As we've explored, implementing effective B2B marketing strategies doesn't always require a hefty agency budget or extensive external resources. By focusing on foundational elements like your ICP and competitive advantage, investing in long-term growth tactics, and aligning your sales and marketing efforts, you can drive significant results in-house.


Successful B2B marketing is about understanding your audience, providing value, and building relationships. Whether expanding your content marketing channels, embracing thought leadership opportunities, or launching a referral program, these strategies empower you to connect with your target customers throughout their buying journey.


With these 12 B2B marketing strategies in your arsenal, you're well-equipped to set yourself up for growth and success. Start small, measure your results, and refine your approach as you go.


Ready to dive deeper and create a comprehensive go-to-market strategy? 


At Brand Theory, we’ve been helping brands fine-tune their messaging, amplify their reach through content creation, and create sustainable, predictable growth for over two decades. Now we’re opening up our playbook to founders for free. Snag our comprehensive Growth 2.0 Playbook and take control of your B2B marketing. 


Don't just survive in the B2B space – thrive with a tailored approach that maximizes your resources and drives sustainable growth – no agency required.