The Brand Theory Blog

B2B Go To Market Strategy: 8 Steps from Start Up to Scale Up

Written by Carter Edsall | Aug 1, 2024 4:12:54 PM

Picture this: You're a B2B founder with a game-changing product. You've poured your heart, soul, and countless cups of coffee into developing it. But now what? How do you get it into the hands of the customers who need it most? 


If you're scratching your head wondering where to start, you're not alone. Many founders rush headlong into marketing without a solid plan, only to wonder why their efforts aren't paying off. 


Ready to break that cycle? 


Enter the B2B go-to-market strategy - your roadmap from brilliant idea to booming business. 


In this article, we'll walk you through 8 critical steps to take your B2B strategy from start-up to scale-up. Whether you're looking to grow revenue, attract investors, maximize valuation, or IPO it all starts with the right go-to-market strategy. So, grab that cup of coffee (you know you want to), and let's dive in.


Step 1: Positioning - The Foundation of Your B2B Go-to-Market Strategy


Positioning: Your North Star

Positioning isn't just important—it's everything. It's your brand's DNA, guiding every decision you make. Dig deep into your buyers' minds. What keeps them up at night? What are their goals? Your positioning should speak directly to these needs.


Take HubSpot, for example. They didn't just sell software; they positioned themselves as the all-in-one marketing solution for growing businesses. What makes you unique? Maybe you're the fastest, the most personalized, or the only one solving a specific problem in your industry. Whatever it is, make it crystal clear.


Understanding your target audience is critical. As a B2B founder, adopting a buyer-centric view means shifting your perspective from what your product can do to how it can solve your customer’s problems. This involves in-depth research to understand your prospective client’s pain points, needs, and preferences. By doing so, you can craft messaging that resonates and demonstrates empathy and understanding of their unique challenges.




Using the Positioning Pyramid

The Positioning Pyramid is a powerful framework for building your market position. Modern B2B marketing isn’t about promoting your product. It’s about helping buyers do 3 things: Understand the problem they need to solve. Navigate their options. And choose the right solution.


This positioning exercise ensures you start with a solid grasp of these essential messaging components because your entire go-to-market strategy depends on them. It begins with a thorough understanding of your ideal customers, the problems they need to solve, and the existing potential solutions. Next comes developing a unique value proposition, defining who you are and what you do.


Finally, you define the functional benefits of your product, then the emotional benefits, clarifying your competitive advantage and leading them toward conversion. This exercise helps you create a compelling narrative that not only differentiates your product but also connects with buyers on multiple levels.



Differentiating Your Brand through Your Founder's Story

Your founder’s story can be a compelling differentiator in a crowded market. Sharing your journey, the challenges you've overcome, and the passion that drives your business can humanize your brand and build an emotional connection with your audience. People are naturally drawn to stories, especially those that reflect authenticity and perseverance. Integrating B2B storytelling can make your brand memorable and set you apart from competitors who might only focus on product features and benefits.




Step 2: Pipeline - Mapping the B2B Customer Journey 


B2B buying isn't a sprint; it's a marathon with hurdles. Map out your customer's journey like you're planning an epic road trip. Who are the decision-makers? What information do they need at each pit stop? Align your marketing to these touchpoints and watch those leads flow.



Understanding the B2B Buyer Journey

The B2B buyer journey is often complex and involves multiple touchpoints and decision-makers. Understanding this journey is essential for crafting a strategy that meets buyers where they are. It typically consists of stages like awareness, consideration, decision, and post-purchase. Each stage represents a different mindset and requires tailored marketing efforts to move prospects closer to conversion.



Creating a Customer Acquisition Map

A Customer Acquisition Map outlines a prospect's various touchpoints and interactions with your brand throughout the buyer journey. It involves identifying key activities and content that will guide them from awareness to decision-making. This map is essential for aligning your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts to ensure a seamless and cohesive experience for the customer.



Aligning Marketing Activities with the Buyer Journey

Aligning your marketing activities with the buyer journey ensures that your messaging and tactics are relevant and impactful at each stage. For example, during the awareness stage, your focus might be on educational content that highlights industry pain points. As prospects move to the consideration stage, case studies and product comparisons become more relevant. Finally, in the decision stage, personalized demos and free trials can tip the scales in your favor. This alignment not only improves engagement but also enhances the overall customer experience.



Step 3: Process - Streamlining Your B2B Go-to-Market Strategy


This is where the rubber meets the road. Let's say you create a comprehensive guide on "The Future of AI in Customer Service." From this, you can create blog posts, infographics, videos, webinars, and podcast episodes—each tailored for different platforms and audiences.


Consistency is key here—your brand should feel the same whether someone's reading your blog or chatting with sales. Take advantage of modern AI marketing tools to streamline this process. The point is to maximize your output, not overwhelm you or your team.



Developing a Content Waterfall

A content waterfall is a strategic approach to content creation that maximizes efficiency and consistency. It’s a content creation and distribution tactic that involves producing a large, comprehensive piece of content, such as an eBook or whitepaper, and then repurposing it into smaller, more digestible formats like blog posts, infographics, and social media updates. This ensures that your content remains consistent across channels while catering to different preferences and consumption habits of your audience.



Ensuring Consistency Across Channels

Consistency across all marketing channels is vital for building trust and credibility with your audience. This includes maintaining a uniform brand voice, visual identity, and messaging. A consistent approach reinforces your brand’s value proposition and makes your communications instantly recognizable. It also ensures that your audience receives a cohesive experience regardless of the platform they interact with.



Maximizing Efficiency in Content Creation and Distribution

Efficiency in content creation and distribution is crucial for maintaining a steady flow of high-quality content. This can be achieved by implementing a content calendar, utilizing project management tools, and adopting automation for distribution. Efficient processes enable your team to focus on strategic initiatives and respond quickly to market changes, ensuring that your content remains relevant and impactful.




Step 4: Performance - Measuring Success in Your B2B Go-to-Market Strategy


Because what gets measured, gets managed. Pick KPIs that actually matter to your business. Data is your friend; use it to continuously fine-tune your approach.


Introduction to Pirate Metrics

When it comes to evaluating the success of your B2B Go-to-Market strategy, employing a systematic approach to measurement is critical. One such approach is using Pirate Metrics, a framework designed to assess customer lifecycle stages. The six core stages—Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, and Referral—serve as the cornerstone for understanding and optimizing your B2B marketing strategy. By tracking these metrics, you can determine where your strategy excels and where adjustments are needed, ensuring continuous improvement.


Pirate Metrics offer a granular view of your marketing efforts. For example, acquisition metrics will tell you how well your campaigns attract new prospects, while retention metrics reveal your ability to keep existing customers engaged. In the B2B landscape, where sales cycles are longer and relationships are paramount, monitoring these metrics helps you make informed decisions. This data-driven approach allows you to adjust your tactics, ensuring that your strategy remains effective and aligned with business goals.



Key Performance Indicators for B2B Marketing

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the vital signs for your B2B go-to-market strategy. These indicators go beyond basic metrics, providing insights into the health and effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Common KPIs include Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Customer Lifetime Value (LTV), conversion rates, and lead-to-customer ratios. Each of these KPIs offers a different lens through which to view your performance, making it easier to identify areas for improvement.


For instance, tracking your CAC against your LTV helps you determine your marketing spend's return on investment (ROI). A high CAC with a low LTV indicates that your acquisition efforts are costly and not yielding long-term value, prompting a reevaluation of your tactics. Conversely, high conversion rates might indicate that your messaging and targeting are spot-on, but if the lead-to-customer ratio is low, it may suggest issues in the sales process. By regularly reviewing these KPIs, you can ensure that your B2B go-to-market strategy remains robust and effective.



Using Data to Optimize Your Strategy

Data is the lifeblood of any successful B2B go-to-market strategy. With the right analytics tools, you can collect and analyze data to gain actionable insights. This includes understanding customer behavior, identifying successful marketing channels, and uncovering bottlenecks in the sales funnel. Leveraging data allows you to make informed decisions, optimize your campaigns, and ultimately improve your ROI.


By integrating data analytics into your strategy, you can move from a reactive to a proactive approach. For example, predictive analytics can forecast future trends, helping you to anticipate market changes and adjust your strategy accordingly. Real-time data enables you to monitor campaign performance as it happens, allowing for quick adjustments. This data-driven approach not only enhances the efficiency of your B2B go-to-market strategy but also ensures that you remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market.




Step 5: Website - Your Digital Hub in the B2B Go-to-Market Strategy


Your website isn't just a pretty face; it's your hardest-working employee. A consumer-centric website ensures your online presence is working 24/7 to engage prospects — no matter where they are in their buying journey.

Take a page from Salesforce's book. Their homepage immediately segments visitors based on company size and role, guiding them to relevant solutions. They use clear CTAs, customer success stories, and easy access to demos or trials at every stage. Your site should be a conversion machine, guiding visitors based on their needs and where they are in the buying process.



Importance of Key Pages on Your Website

Your website is the cornerstone of your B2B go-to-market strategy. It's often the first interaction potential clients have with your brand, making it crucial to make a lasting impression. The essential B2B website pages like the homepage, offer page, and product or service pages must be meticulously crafted to communicate an understanding of the buyer’s journey, and their pain points, while weaving in your unique value proposition. 


The homepage should immediately capture the visitor’s attention with a strong, compelling headline and CTAs that draw them deeper into the site. Meanwhile, product or service pages should provide detailed information that addresses common pain points and highlights unique benefits. Strategic B2B website design and messaging ensures that each key page serves a specific purpose within your B2B go-to-market strategy, guiding visitors through their buyer’s journey with ease and efficiency.



Optimizing for Different Funnel Stages

Your website copywriting should cater to prospects at various stages of the funnel. For top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) visitors, provide educational content such as blog posts, infographics, and introductory videos that raise awareness about your industry and the problems you solve. This content should be easily accessible and designed to engage visitors just beginning to explore solutions. Middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) content, like detailed product guides, webinars, and whitepapers, should offer deeper insights and demonstrate your expertise.


For bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) prospects close to making a purchase decision, focus on conversion-oriented elements like detailed comparison pages, case studies, pricing information, and strong calls-to-action (CTAs). Live chat features or consultation booking options can also help convert these visitors into leads. By aligning your website content with the different funnel stages, you ensure that each visitor finds the information they need to move forward in their buyer's journey.



Integrating Your Website with Other Marketing Channels

To maximize the effectiveness of your B2B go-to-market strategy, your website should be seamlessly integrated with other marketing channels. Email marketing, social media, and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns should all drive traffic back to your website, where prospects can find more detailed information and take meaningful actions. Implementing tracking pixels and UTM parameters can help you measure the effectiveness of these campaigns and understand how visitors interact with your site.


Moreover, integrating your website with CRM systems and marketing automation tools can streamline lead management and nurturing processes. By centralizing data and creating automated workflows, you can ensure that leads are consistently followed up with personalized content and offers. This level of integration enhances the user experience and contributes to a more cohesive and efficient B2B go-to-market strategy.



Step 6: Content - Fueling Your B2B Go-to-Market Strategy


Quality Content at Scale

Producing quality content at scale is pivotal for an effective go-to-market strategy. B2B content marketing is the cornerstone of brand authority and customer engagement. High-quality, informative content not only attracts your target audience but also establishes your brand as a thought leader in the industry. Whether it's SEO-driven blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, or webinars, producing content that addresses the specific pain points, needs, and interests of your potential clients can significantly enhance your B2B go-to-market strategy. By consistently delivering value through your content, you build trust and credibility, making it easier for your sales team to convert prospects into customers.



Leverage Content Repurposing 

Re-tooling long-form content for various channels is another powerful tactic. Case studies, in-depth blog articles, and webinars can be repurposed into video clips, infographics, social media posts, and email newsletters. This multi-channel approach ensures that your message reaches your audience wherever they are most active, thus increasing your brand's visibility and reach. Furthermore, long-form content provides an opportunity to delve deeper into complex subjects, offering in-depth solutions and insights that resonate with decision-makers and influencers in your target market.



Address Buyer Objections

Addressing buyer objections and obstacles through targeted content is also crucial. Understanding the common objections and concerns of your prospects allows you to create content that directly addresses these issues. For example, if potential clients are hesitant due to perceived high costs, a detailed case study demonstrating ROI can alleviate these concerns. Similarly, if they're worried about implementation time, a blog post outlining a smooth, step-by-step onboarding process can provide reassurance. By preemptively addressing objections through content, you remove barriers to purchase, facilitating smoother transitions from leads to loyal customers.




Step 7: Lead Generation - Attracting Prospects in Your B2B Go-to-Market Strategy


Identify Lead Gen Channels

Identifying and utilizing effective lead generation channels is a critical component of your B2B go-to-market strategy. Depending on your industry and target audience, different channels may yield better results. For instance, LinkedIn is highly effective for reaching professionals and decision-makers, while webinars can attract prospects interested in deep dives into specific topics. It's essential to experiment with various channels like social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and pay-per-click advertising to determine which combination works best for your business. By continuously monitoring and optimizing these channels, you can attract a steady stream of high-quality leads.



Create Effective Lead Magnets

Creating compelling lead magnets is another key strategy for engaging potential clients. Lead magnets are valuable pieces of content or resources offered in exchange for a prospect's contact information. Examples include eBooks, checklists, templates, webinars, and free trials. The key is to ensure that these lead magnets are relevant and valuable to your target audience. For example, an eBook detailing industry trends or a webinar featuring expert insights can be highly appealing. By providing something of value upfront, you encourage prospects to share their contact details, allowing you to nurture them through the sales pipeline.



Develop Lead Nurturing Strategies

Best practices for nurturing leads involve maintaining consistent and personalized communication. Once you have captured a lead, it's essential to keep them engaged through targeted email campaigns, tailored content, and timely follow-ups. Utilizing a CRM system can help manage this process by segmenting leads based on their behavior and interactions with your brand. Personalized emails that address the specific needs and pain points of your leads are more likely to drive engagement and conversions. By nurturing your leads effectively, you can guide them smoothly through the pipeline, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.


Step 8: Demand Generation - Driving Interest in Your B2B Go-to-Market Strategy

Demand Gen vs Lead Gen

Understanding the distinction between demand generation and lead generation is crucial for a successful B2B Go-to-Market strategy. While lead generation focuses on capturing contact information from potential clients, demand generation is about creating awareness and interest in your products or services. Both are essential but serve different purposes in the buyer's journey. Demand generation activities aim to build brand awareness, educate the market, and generate interest, ultimately leading to a higher number of quality leads entering the top of the funnel.



How to Create Demand?

Effective strategies for creating demand within your target market involve a mix of content marketing, thought leadership, and brand positioning. Hosting webinars, participating in industry conferences, and publishing thought leadership articles can position your brand as an expert in your field. Additionally, utilizing social media platforms to share valuable content and engage with your audience can amplify your reach. Implementing SEO strategies to ensure your content ranks high in search engine results can also drive organic traffic to your website. By consistently delivering valuable information and insights, you create a demand for your solutions even before the prospect is actively looking to buy.


Integrating demand-generation efforts with other marketing strategies can maximize their impact. For instance, the content created for demand generation can also be used in lead nurturing campaigns, ensuring a consistent message across all touchpoints.



Launching your B2B GTM Strategy

Remember that B2B founder we talked about at the start? The one with the brilliant product but no clear path to market? That doesn't have to be you anymore. Armed with these 8 steps of a robust B2B go-to-market strategy, you're ready to take your business from fledgling startup to industry powerhouse.


We've covered a lot of ground - from nailing your positioning with the Positioning Pyramid to mapping out your customer journey, from crafting killer content to measuring the metrics that matter. Each step is a crucial piece of your B2B go-to-market strategy.


But here's the thing: knowing the steps is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you put them into action. And let's be honest, that can feel overwhelming. Where do you start? How do you tie it all together?


That's where we come in. At Brand Theory, we've distilled decades of B2B marketing expertise into a comprehensive system that takes you step-by-step through implementing your go-to-market strategy. It's packed with examples and insider tips to help you hit the ground running.


Ready to turn that game-changing product into a thriving B2B empire? Our Growth 2.0 system takes the guesswork out of marketing so you can scale predictably and profitably. And you can access it for free. Grab our Growth 2.0 Playbook today. Your future customers are waiting.